Weekly Workout Recap – Nov. 30 – Dec. 6

A quick shout out to my dad who celebrated his birthday yesterday!!

This past week was week 3 of base training for me. It was more of the same, just with more mileage than the week before. I had a good long run on trails on Saturday afternoon. These long runs definitely help build my confidence and help me become more comfortable on trails.


Monday – 4 mile easy run with Sven (my treadmill). I ended up having to do this run in the evening because I just could not get myself out of bed Monday morning. The crazy thing was I was awake for my run, but I just laid in bed for over an hour before getting up to get ready for work. So it gone done in the evening.

Tuesday – Strength training. Ten minutes of abs, then a circuit of squats, lunges, planks, and push ups.

Wednesday – 4 mile hill run with Sven. With thoughts of Monday fresh in my mind, I got my butt out of bed and got this run done before work. I included 5 quarter mile hill repeats in the middle of the run.

Thursday – Rest. Friday is typically my rest day, but I was feeling unusually tired on Thursday so I swapped the days.

Friday – Cross training – 30 Day Shred level 2 DVD workout.

Saturday – 8 mile long run on trails in the Jefferson National Forest. Barry and I headed up to the Christiansburg/Blacksburg area late in the morning to do several errands. We got over to Pandapas Pond around noon to start our run. We both did our own thing (the couple that runs together but not together) and ran separately.

Pandapas Pond Poverty Creek Trail System

Like I mentioned, I had a really good run. It didn’t feel super easy or anything the whole time, but I felt strong and capable. It was a really nice afternoon, too, with temperatures in the upper 40’s.

Pandapas Pond Poverty Creek Trail System

I had several creek crossings during my run. The water was only shin deep, but it was icy cold due to temperatures the night prior being down in the 20’s. My feet got wet just shy of mile 3 and stayed soaking wet the rest of the run.


Sunday – 5 mile run in the morning with Kim at the trail in town. It was in the 20’s and we had such a heavy frost it kind of looked like the trees and grass had snow on them.


Just before mile 1 I tripped and went flying as we were crossing the road. I took a hard fall on the pavement and landed mostly on my left knee. In my defense, the road is at least 2 inches higher than the trail because they repaved recently. The good news is I didn’t tear my pants and Kim was the only witness.

Not the offending road.

I was able to finish the run, but my left knee was pretty sore the rest of the day and is bruised and a bit swollen today. I am going to strength train today and move my easy run to tomorrow to give it an extra recovery day.

Total Miles: 21 miles

This post is part of the Weekly Wrap link up, hosted by HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin’. Check them out to see who else is linking up, and to join in!

How was your week last week? What did you do this past weekend? I ran and decorated the house for Christmas!
How do you get yourself out of bed when you just want to stay there?

22 thoughts on “Weekly Workout Recap – Nov. 30 – Dec. 6”

  1. Getting out of bed it super hard. I find that it is almost directly tied to when I get into bed the night before so I have to really make sure to get to bed early because I like to get up early. Beautiful pictures of your run location.

  2. I ended up delaying my run on Saturday because I didn’t want to go out in the chilly weather. I was up and eating breakfast, but I wanted to run when the sun was fully up. It’s always windy at the track, so the chilly weather is worse with the wind.

  3. Oh no! I hope your knee is ok. I haven’t fallen on a run yet, but I think it’s just a matter of time for this clumsy girl.

    I’m an early morning runner, and I just know that if I don’t get up and get it done than I most likely won’t be able to rearrange everything in my evening to fit it in. So up and out I go!

  4. I’ve got to ask, how did your treadmill get the name Sven? I can’t imagine running 5 miles with wet, cold feet. Brrr… I hope your knee is healing nicely from your fall on Sunday and glad you were not hurt any worse. I didn’t try to run last week but plan to try this week. I appreciate you linking with us Meagan! Enjoy your week.

    1. It’s a great trail system! I’m happy to report my knee is back to normal. The scrape still hasn’t healed on it, but it’s not sore or bruised anymore.

  5. I am such a weenie! I would have had to figure out a way to run around the water. I may could suck it up in a race but not on a training run, lol. Great job for getting it done! I think after my marathon I’ll try and hit up the trails some. I don’t want to make too many changes these last several weeks. Tell your dad happy birthday! Meagan I always enjoy reading your posts and what you’re up too. Thanks for linking.

  6. That is a gorgeous run spot and perfect running temps!
    I hope that knee calms down quick. I took a hard lick on my trail last year and bounced up I hit so hard, and it was just sore luckily. I hope it isn’t too bad for you. Falling stinks, but i guess it going to happen to us all sometime.
    I raced on Sunday and I am still pretty sore lol

  7. Ha ha! I am laughing that you named your treadmill…and Sven to boot! Love it! As usual, I’m jealous of your pretty trail runs (minus the creek crossings!). Good that you didn’t get seriously hurt from that fall (and didn’t tear your pants). Have a great week!

  8. Brr! I bet that run was miserable with cold, wet feet. Sorry about your fall. Glad you’re ok! I fell during my last long run while training for my first half. I cut 11 miles to 4 because I was so beat up and bruised. I was more upset that I cracked the face on my Garmin than anything else.

    1. It was actually a really great run, so I guess I compartmentalized the fact that my toes felt like they were going to fall off ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad that fall you took on your last long run didn’t affect your race! I would have been really upset about the Garmin, too.

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