race medals medal hanger

Race Bibs, Medals, etc.

I’ve been running a lot of races this year, and with that comes a lot of race stuff. I typically hang on to my bib and medal from races I’ve run. I currently have my medals hung up on a medal hanger in our bedroom.

race medals medal hanger

Right now I also have most of my race bibs hung up on the bedroom wall. It’s something that started when we first moved into our new house, about two years go. But I think it’s starting to get a bit excessive ๐Ÿ™‚

race bibs

Since I’ve pretty much run out of room on the wall, and don’t want to start a new column, I have also begun a pile of race bibs on my dresser. This pile has all of the races I’ve run since April.

race bibs

I certainly don’t want to get rid of my race bibs, but I want to find a different way to keep them. Right now I’m thinking of putting them in a binder, with each bib getting it’s own clear one-page display. I might even organize them by race distance, which makes my Type A personality very happy. But if I do that, the wall is going to look very blank to me. Maybe I should keep a few of the ones that mean the most to me on the wall, and put the rest in a binder?

One other random memento I still have: the timing chip from my first (and currently only) full marathon. I don’t run in the shoes anymore, but I can’t bear to cut that chip off. I don’t think those shoes have even been untied since I ran the marathon in Charlotte last November.

running shoes running road race chip

Totally socially acceptable, right?

What do you keep from your races?
How do you display your race stuff?

18 thoughts on “Race Bibs, Medals, etc.”

  1. I do not keep most of my race bibs, but I do hang my medals. I have started to keep some bibs in a file, but I have thrown others away so I am not that committed to keeping them. My chip from my first marathon was “borrowed” on a $20 deposit. After the race, I had to give it back and get the cash back (it was in China.)

    1. It would have been nice if my first marathon had used one of those chips that you return (those “old school” plastic ones that you attached to your shoelace). It would have been one less thing for me to get attached to, haha ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. So many races! I really like what you’ve done with your medals – I’ve got four or five in a box at my parents’ house right now but I might schlep them on down to Oregon sometime and do something similar. As for the race bibs, I like your idea of putting them in a binder. I always seem to throw mine away but kind of wish I had them stored somewhere.

    1. You should! Its fun to look at them. I like having them hung up in the bedroom, so that most people who visit our house won’t see them, but I still get to look at them.

  3. I love how you have the bibs displayed! I wish I’d kept mine, but I haven’t been, and a lot of our races don’t even have bibs. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ The medal holder is great too. Love your “type A” tendencies! LOL

  4. I think you should keep going with the bibs on the wall until there’s no blank space. You would have the most awesome wallpaper in the world ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. That’s what Barry said, too! It would be insane if I covered all of the walls in our bedroom. That would be a lot to take down if we ever move.

  5. Don’t see any issues here. We keep our race bibs and medals also. Of those shoes aren’t worn anymore, keeping the timing band on them makes a pretty cool keepsake. Shadowbox maybe??

    1. A shadowbox may be crossing some sort of line ๐Ÿ™‚ I feel like the only shoes that belong in a shadowbox are ones used to break a 4 minute mile or something, haha. I’ll take it under advisement, though.

  6. Whatever you do, don’t throw them out. A notebook would be nice. Have you though about scanning them ad keeping an electronic copy?

    Better be careful those medals don’t pull the wall down!


    1. I definitely won’t be throwing them out! I like the idea of keeping an electronic copy of them. As for the medals, it’s nearly time to put the additional row of hooks on.

  7. I started to put all my race bibs in a book… but that was getting too excessive. I did what you did and started to add them to the bedroom wall but instead of columns I went straight across and went to the next row underneath. The top row hangs on two picture frame hooks so that I can take the massive collage down to tape any new bibs. I haven’t found a convenient way to hang medals yet. I had them on a rod but because it was so heavy it fell. Need to look into a hanger like yours!

  8. I love that you still have your timing band on your shoe! Bill and I have our medals displayed in our basement, and I have my bibs in a folder. I’m glad I kept them because they came in handy for my throwback recaps!

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