Stealing in the spirit of Christmas

This week I attended two meetings for work. The first was a planning meeting on Monday for an association that I serve on the board for. It was in Williamsburg, which is nearly a 5 hour drive each way for me, so it was a long day of driving. We got some planning done, had lunch, and then played what I refer to as “Cutthroat Christmas.” It’s the gift-stealing game many play in the spirit of Christmas. I have heard it referred to as White Elephant and Yankee Swap.

At first I got this really cool set of 50 questions for insane conversations. I was really excited about it and was already having visions of asking Barry each of the 50 questions, while he did the driving for our holiday travels. But then it got stolen!

I may or may not still be bitter about that. But that is how the game is played. I ended up with a pinecone and lime-scented Yankee candle which smells really good. I joked that I would light it and place it directly under our artificial Christmas tree so that it would smell like pine!

No fire hazard there!

This Wednesday I had a regional meeting with the folks who all work in the southwest region. We have these meetings about 3-4 times per year, and it’s the only time I see my coworkers, so I always look forward to them. After addressing some business about how we will be handling paperwork in the interim period between our old computer software and the new software we are switching to in 2014, we enjoyed a potluck lunch and some food and fellowship. Then it was time to get down to some more Cutthroat business. This time I made out like a bandit, stealing a gift from one of my coworkers. I ended up with a super soft, sheepskin blanket, a key chain pocket knife, and a mini flashlight/lantern.

I told Barry I was going to sit under my blanket and cut things with my pocket knife, by the light of my new lantern. I have kind of gotten a reputation at work for stealing pocket knifes during our Cutthroat Christmas game, because that is exactly what I did last year. I now have three pocket knives total in my purse.

The blue one is from last year and the green one is from this year.

Because let’s face it. One can never have too many knives. Especially in one’s purse. Am I right?

Have you been to any holiday festivities yet this year?

Do you play ‘Cutthroat Christmas’ with family or friends?
My family used to have a big get together on Christmas Eve with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins and we would have a Cutthroat game with at least 15 people playing. You had to be 18 or older to play, though, because of the stealing that goes on. 

15 thoughts on “Stealing in the spirit of Christmas”

  1. We called it Yankee Swap. That’s how we did presents when we used to all get together at Christmas at my grandparent’s (dad’s side) house. All of my grandparents have since passed away and we no longer get together at Christmas.Thanks. Now I’m sad ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Family traditions are great, but eventually they become memories. I like to take pause and enjoy the moment. I know it will never happen exactly like that again.Don’t be sad. I am sure it was good while it lasted. Now it is time to go establish your own traditions.

    2. My family used to do a get together, too, but it’s no longer the same big party that it used to be, even though my grandparents are still alive. At least there are lots of memories to remember ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ohhhh, that blanket looks so warm & fuzzy! Just be sure you don’t take those pocket knives through airport security, unless you want to enjoy a pat down by your friendly TSA agent! Happy Holidays!

  3. I’m with Nicole… that blanket needs to find its way to my house ~ it looks VERY cozy. I… um… do NOT have a pocket knife in my purse ๐Ÿ™‚ HAHA!We just did a White Elephant with the GTAs, some of the staff, and the undergraduate tutors that I supervise. It was fun… Glenn’s family will do one on Christmas, too.

    1. Those gift swap/stealing games are so much fun! I think they’re especially fun with family, because people seem more ruthless than when you play with friends/coworkers. In my family, spouses would team up when one of them really wanted something.

  4. I don’t have a knife in my purse, either. Yikes! LOL I haven’t experienced one of those types of gift exchanges, but it sounds fun!

  5. The Cruisers do the Christmas stealing game every year, but as I mentioned (and you commented on), this year no one stole anything. It wasn’t as fun, but we all left happy! We’ve been to three Christmas parties so far, but the rest are all family related! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. i’ve tried the card games while traveling and I can’t get david in to it, he has to focus so hard when driving it’s interesting since we are usually just going to Iowa, ha!! We haven’t done a lot yet being too far from fam this year.

    1. I haven’t ever tried a card game before, but my husband and I usually talk the whole way whenever we travel. I think it would drive him nuts if I brought a game like that one, though.

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