Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody! The chickens are very excited that it’s Halloween. It turns out they really love pumpkin!

I saved all of the “innards” (I don’t know what else to call the stuff from inside the pumpkin) from when I carved my pumpkins on Sunday to give to the chickens as a treat. They got some of their treat on Monday.

There were a lot of victory dances with beaks full of pumpkin, and a lot of pumpkin being slung around. Added bonus? Pumpkin seeds are a natural dewormer for chickens!

This evening I plan to proudly display my jack-o-lanterns on our porch, while handing out candy to any children who happen to come to our door and beg for food.

I do not plan to dress up. But yesterday I did purchase a festive Halloween bowl that says “Trick or Treat” and has a picture of a spider on it, which I plan to use to distribute the candy to the aforementioned beggars (aka kids in costume). Hank and Scout will be hanging out in the basement so that they don’t frighten the kids.

Terrifying, aren’t they?

What are your Halloween plans?

14 thoughts on “Happy Halloween!”

  1. Love that the chickens love the pumpkin! I always, always carve pumpkins so I can roast the seeds. Best part of the pumpkin and filled with lots of iron!

    1. I didn’t know pumpkin seeds were filled with iron. That’s good for you! ๐Ÿ™‚ Another added benefit to add to the list for pumpkin seeds.

  2. Pumpkin carved and candy purchased. Time to wait for the little ones to arrive. No dressing up here. Scary enough in normal attire. Plan on hanging out and giving candy to the little ones. When the big kids start showing up dressed as “teenagers”, its lights out.Can’t wait to try some of those pumpkin flavored eggs.LUD.

  3. Glenn and Gabe are together… Andrew went to a friend’s house. We ran out of candy. I’m blogging! I did wear a wig for awhile this evening :)The chickens eating the pumpkin (and picturing them flinging it around) made me smile!!

    1. I prefer to run out of candy instead of having leftovers! The chickens are hilarious when they get a treat that they love. There’s always a lot of celebration.

  4. Love the pic of the pooches snuggled up together! My oldest had a BLAST trick-or-treating. My little one was not so thrilled, but she still managed to rack up an impressive stash of candy. Which I made a dent in after my long run today. Oh dear. I’m not sure the intersection of Halloween and taper time is a good thing. But maybe I’m just building up energy stores for marathon day?!

    1. I’m glad to hear your oldest had such a good time! Getting to eat your children’s holiday candy is one of the perks of having them in the first place, right?? I’m sure you can just write it off as carbo-loading ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I’m glad the chickens enjoyed their Halloween treat! We had a lot less children come to our house this year than usual. It started raining just as it got dark so that might have had something to do with it.

    1. They certainly did! I love their victory dance that they do when they get really excited. We had some iffy weather that kind of ended Halloween early, too. The rain didn’t move in until later that night, but the wind did pick up (with 50 mph gusts) by about 8:30 or so.

    1. They really loved it! Maybe I will have to find some discounted pumpkins now that Halloween is over. My dad keeps joking we are going to have pumpkin-flavored eggs now.

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