TNF ECS 50K Training – Week 7

I’m recapping my workouts from last week as I train for my first 50K this April. This recap is part of the Weekly Wrap linkup hosted by MissSippiPiddlin’ and HoHo Runs.


This past week was a tough one for me, and I’m really glad it happened to be a cut back week on my training plan. Here’s how it went:

Monday – Rest (I wasn’t feeling well and I was glad it was a rest day)

Tuesday – Cross training: 10 minutes of abs and some lackluster squats, push ups, and lunges. This was a pretty minimal workout. I was supposed to do a 5 mile easy run as well, but I was still feeling crummy and felt completely exhausted.

Wednesday – 3 mile easy run on the treadmill. This one was supposed to be a 5 mile hill workout, but I just did not have the energy. I thought I might try for an easy 5 miler, but 3 was all I had in me.

Thursday – Rest

Friday – 4 mile easy run. I finally started to feel a bit better. Not 100%, but definitely better.

Saturday – 5 mile hill workout on the treadmill. I did seven quarter mile hill repeats for a little over 600 feet in elevation gain. I was finally feeling back to normal and decided to do that missed Wednesday workout. I ran on the treadmill since the temperature was below zero with the windchill. I struggled last winter with a string of sinus and respiratory infections, and I’m trying to avoid that.

Side note: Barry and I were supposed to run a 10 mile race on Saturday but it got rescheduled due to the extreme cold temperatures. It has been rescheduled to this Saturday. I have a 20 mile long run on tap for that day, so I guess I will now be incorporating the 10 mile race into it.

Sunday – Easy 6 miler with Kim in the afternoon. The temperature had warmed up to the low 20’s and it actually felt balmy outside to me. Funny how your perspective changes after bitter cold temperatures. It also helped that the wind wasn’t blowing.


Kim and I had a nice run together and I felt really strong the whole time. Hopefully that bodes well for this week.

Total Miles: 18 miles

As you can see, it was a fairy rough week overall but it had a good ending. I was coming off of a high at the end of week six and was feeling strong. It’s definitely a downer to go from that to a week like this. It was ‘my time of the month’ this week, as they say, which usually doesn’t have much of an effect on my running or training. But apparently I have pissed off Mother Nature in some way, and I paid for it dearly. Let’s just hope I get back on her good side before April…

Who else is feeling the effects of the Polar Vortex?
How was your Valentine’s Day?
Barry and I had a fun weekend and played a bunch of board games (call us lame, but we have fun playing board and card games). We ended the weekend with Risk – because nothing says romance like a game of world domination ๐Ÿ˜‰
Does anyone else have the day off today for President’s Day?

13 thoughts on “TNF ECS 50K Training – Week 7”

  1. I’m laughing that 20 degrees feels balmy. It is funny how perspectives change! Some weeks just aren’t good. Our energy levels are low for whatever reason. That’s OK. You still got in an incredible hill workout (600 feet? WOW). We used to play Scrabble a long time ago and a lot of cards too. So, that actually sounds like a fun way to spend Valentine’s weekend. Thanks for linking with us Meagan!

    1. We’re big on games around here ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been able to improve on each hill workout during training. Despite most of them being on the treadmill, I hope they still pay off come race day.

  2. Sounds like you had a rough week, but good job taking care of yourself.

    My daughter’s preschool was closed for President’s Day but daycare is open. Since I’m still unemployed I figured it would be a good day for us to hang out, although at the moment she’s watching the SpongeBob movie, per her request. We’re going to make cookies later though – belated Valentine’s Cookies!.

  3. Your perspective does change after frigid temps. My mom’s first college was at high altitude in the mountains, so one day it could be negative temps, the other in the 30s. She said people would be in shorts during the 30s temps because the swing was so big.

  4. I think it was a tough week for many of us with the weather, but not feeling well would add to the challenge for sure. Glad you’re feeling better. The mention of Risk made me laugh. My husband and I played it a single time, and it went on for months. We couldn’t eat at the dining room table because we couldn’t put the board away until we finished. I think it scarred us because we haven’t played since then!

    1. Oh my goodness, that is a long game! No wonder y’all are scarred. If you do decide to ever give it another go (I don’t blame you if you never do after that, though), try making different objectives in the game. You can play first to own two continents or you each come up with a secret mission but don’t tell the other one what it is, etc.

      Your new blog looks great, by the way!

  5. Perspective changes everything – especially the weather! This week it’s supposed to get into the high 70’s which will feel hot, but it would feel like a refreshing break in August. ๐Ÿ™‚

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