TNF ECS 50K Training – Week 4

I’m recapping my past week of 50K training as part of the Weekly Wrap link up. The link up is hosted by MissSippiPiddlin’ and HoHo Runs.


This past week of training was a cut back week for me. I only ran three times, and all three were on the treadmill due to the boatload of snow we got over the weekend.

Monday – Rest.

Tuesday – 3 mile easy run in the morning before work with Sven. I also did some strength training (10 minutes of abs and some squats, lunges, push ups, and planks) after work in the evening.

Wednesday – Rest. Normally I do a hill workout on Wednesdays but I had the worst headache all day, probably due to the change in weather.

Thursday – Cross training: 30 Day Shred level 1 DVD workout in the evening.

Friday – 6 mile hill workout with Sven as the snow came down heavy outside. I did eight hill repeats for nearly 650 feet in elevation gain total. I’m always worried about being able to get a quality workout in on the treadmill, but my legs were sore the next morning so I know this was a good one.

I also carried in this whole pile of wood by myself after my run to feed our woodstove throughout the weekend. I didn’t put it down in my running log as cross training, but I think it probably should have counted as some. ๐Ÿ™‚


Saturday – Strength training: just 10 minutes of abs. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the nearly two feet of snow we got. It was super windy all day, too, which led to snow drifts from 4 to 8 feet deep. I considered taking a nap in the afternoon, but decided Hank and Scout had that pretty well covered.

Naps Collage

Sunday – 8 mile long run with Sven in the morning. In the afternoon Barry and I dug my work vehicle out. Since we had so much snow, Barry went over to the farm and got a tractor to plow the driveway. We would have been shoveling until Tuesday if we had tried to do it by hand!

Snow 2016 Collage

Total Miles: 17 miles

Who else got hit by this winter storm?

13 thoughts on “TNF ECS 50K Training – Week 4”

  1. Wow, the snow is serious business! I still can’t get over all the photos from the snowy weekend. And your pups are adorable! Our dog simply loves the snow and really enjoyed playing yesterday. And hauling wood is no joke. My parents used to make me help haul wood inside for their wood stove. It’s definitely a workout!

  2. Two feet of snow in DC and close the 30″ at my home. At least we didn’t lose power. Shoveling is a good workout but napping looks like a better idea. As usual, Hank and Scout got it right.


  3. 8-foot deep snow drifts! Yikes! We only got 8 inches, but it was enough to derail my running, unfortunately. Glad your dogs got to enjoy the snow. My dog basically wanted nothing to do with it and instead just wanted to sleep all day (though, that’s the norm for him).

    1. I’m sorry the snow impacted your running! That’s one of the challenges of training for a spring race. Your dog sounds very wise ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I would’ve napped with the dogs. My cat doesn’t have to be on me, just near me or in the same room, sleeping, and it makes me sleepy. A snowstorm is the perfect time to drink hot chocolate and nap.

    1. It’s a good thing my dogs don’t make me want to take a nap when they’re sleeping. It seems like they’re always asleep 90% of the time when they’re inside. It’s almost their favorite activity, second only to eating ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. No snow here. You got in a great TM run with 650 feet of elevation. And yes, carrying wood is a workout! I always say my dogs are so worn out from having to wake up, they have to go back to bed. Hank and Scout have that covered too. I know you were thrilled to be able to clear your driveway with a tractor! Thanks for linking with us Meagan!

    1. So worn out from having to wake up, they go back to bed – that’s a good one! If we hadn’t used the tractor, we would have been shoveling from Sunday to Tuesday to get it clear ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Oh my yall did get a lot of snow. Hearing that makes me glad I’m in Mississippi! I would not even think twice about all that wood carrying. It is cross training in my book any day. I find when I do this type of stuff it makes my back sore all the bending over lifting. I think I should focus more on lifting from my legs and not my back. Thanks Meagan for linking up with us!

    1. My upper back, around my shoulder blades, was definitely sore the next day. I try to remember to lift with my legs when I’m doing stuff like that.

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