Clif Shot Bloks

Runners Tell All: Nutrition

Another Runners Tell All link-up is here! This month, the we’re talking about nutrition: how you fuel for race day and what types of fuel you use during a race. I’m pretty traditional with what I eat the day before a race: pasta! I don’t usually carbo-load the night before long runs, except for the longest of my long runs during training.

Charlotte Thunder Road Marathon

I also typically increase the amount of carbs I eat a few days before a big race. All the bread!


On the morning of a race or long run, I always drink a cup of coffee and have some type of Power Bar or Luna Bar. I also like to have a Honey Stinger Waffle pre-run/pre-race, but I’ve found that they’re too crumbly for me to eat on the run.

energy bars

Honey Stinger Waffles

When it comes to actual running and races, I carry and use fuel on anything longer than 6 miles. I used to only use Shot Bloks, because my stomach couldn’t tolerate anything else.

Clif Shot Bloks

But last year I got tired of having to chew the Shot Bloks while running, especially in the later miles of a race or long run. In the summer they would be too chewy and in the winter they’d often freeze. So I started using various types of gels. My favorites are Gu’s (especially Salted Caramel) and Honey Stinger gels.

Long Run Energy Gels

I believe in the power of gels so much that I even left them for Santa last Christmas, to help keep him going!

energy gels for Santa

Now a days I will typically carry a couple of gels and a small Ziploc snack bag of Shot Bloks. That way I will have both to choose from. It’s amazing how something that tastes good at mile 3 can become completely unappealing at mile 15.

What do you fuel with pre-run and during your run or workout?


This is a monthly link-up for runners that poses a different topic each month. If you missed last month’s post, you can find that HERE. This link-up is hosted by Amanda @The Lady Okie and Beka @Sunshine to the Square Inch. Click the icon below to get all of the details about these monthly link-up’s.

19 thoughts on “Runners Tell All: Nutrition”

  1. I like to carry some peanuts with me on a long ride. Since I like to ones in the shell, it gives me something to do during a rest stop.

    I will say I am getting tired of seeing all those wrappers from gels, goos and energy bars building up on the sides of the trails. Come on people, there is always a trash can close by. If not, it probably came out of your pocket. Put it back in until you get home. And if you are in a race, at least drop it at a water station. There is usually some volunteer picking up cups.

    Rant over.


    1. I hate that people will throw those on the ground! It’s one thing to do so during a race (I agree with dropping it at a water station) but to do it out on a trail is just littering, plain and simple.

  2. I use the ShotBloks but I also use ClifBar gels too. I liked them better than GU and they’re 85-90% organic. (I think something like that) I’m definitely a pasta girl night before too! Doesn’t hurt that opals ya is my fav meal ever. 🙂

  3. It’s interesting to see what other runners eat. I’ve read about people that eat bacon during a long run! That sounds good, but I usually stick to gels, bloks or a drink. In my last 25K, I just used Tailwind drink powder.

    1. I want to give that Tailwind a try! I think I am going to wait until after MCM, though, since what I currently use works for me. It would be nice to get all of my calories from liquid, though.

  4. Well, given that I’ve never actually tried eating on the run, nothing! I need to experiment w/ this. I’ve recently discovered salted caramel (not the Gus but the flavor in general). YUM.

    1. Salted caramel seems like something that should have been around for awhile, but it’s only recently that I’ve noticed all of the salted caramel flavored stuff.

  5. I love shotbloks! That’s my go to nutrition during a long run. However, I had no idea they froze when it was cold! I’m glad you figured out a variety with nutrition that works for you.

    I also love that you left Santa some GU! How fun. Thanks for linking up with us this month.

  6. Ha! I like the “Eat Pasta, Run Fasta” sign. I’ve never seen that before.

    I have used GU and bananas during long runs. Gu tastes funny to me, but it serves its purpose. I know bananas are strange to eat on a run, but 1/2 of a banana every 60 minutes works for me. It’s probably because my body is familiar with eating bananas on a regular basis.

    P.S. I love the 26.2 water bottle!

    1. It is a funny sign! It’s from my first marathon, last November in Charlotte, North Carolina.

      Bananas are interesting to eat on the run, because I think they’d be hard to carry. I’m sure they help to prevent muscle cramps, though!

  7. Mmm… the honey stingers are good! Love them. And the shot blocks are good. My dad swore he could only eat blueberry shot blocks while marathon training. Thanks so much for linking up! Sorry this visit is so belated 🙂 Also, I love the Eat Pasta, Run Fasta sign!

    1. I love Honey Stingers! That’s funny that you dad only had a certain type of Shot Blok he would eat. I used to only eat the orange ones, and after a couple years I finally branched out 🙂

  8. Leaving gels for Santa is AWESOME! I love it!
    I like Honey stinger gels, Gu, Hammer (just found this one ~ I like the Montana Huckleberry , and I’ve been especially liking the Vega Sport Endurance Gels.
    Nutrition is going to be especially important for me this training cycle. I have been improperly hydrated/salted/fueled/whatever for both of my marathons and I REALLY want to avoid it this time!

    1. I’ve never tried the Hammer ones, but Barry really likes them. I hope you get your nutrition worked out this training cycle! It can be so tricky.

  9. Isn’t it funny how what works for us for a while can totally lose it’s appeal, or cause issues down the road. Fueling properly without causing stomach issues is my biggest running challenge.

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