2013 Charlotte's Thunder Road Marathon

Runners Tell All: Proudest Running Moment

Wow, I cannot believe it’s time for another Runners Tell All link-up! It seems like I just did the May link-up. This month, the topic is your favorite and/or proudest running moment. I think some of y’all can probably guess what mine is.

2013 Charlotte's Thunder Road Marathon

My proudest running moment was crossing the finish line of my first full marathon, at the Thunder Road Marathon on November 16, 2013. I had never run so far or for so long in my life, and I had to dig really deep to finish. I couldn’t manage much more than a fist pump in the air as I crossed that finish line. But trust me, I was elated.


If all goes as planned, I will complete my second full marathon this fall at the Marine Corps Marathon. And I will once again get to experience that strange state of being, where complete exhaustion meets absolute euphoria.

What is your favorite and/or proudest running moment?


This is a monthly link-up for runners that poses a different topic each month. If you missed last month’s post, you can find that HERE. This link-up is hosted by Amanda @The Lady Okie and Beka @Sunshine to the Square Inch. Click the icon below to get all of the details about these monthly link-up’s.


22 thoughts on “Runners Tell All: Proudest Running Moment”

  1. Congratulations on your full marathon! I dream of someday doing a half but I’m not mentally there yet. Also, I love the quote with your picture.

    1. Thanks! Good luck on your half! The hardest part is making the decision to commit… then you just have to follow the training. The race itself is the celebration for your hard work. 🙂

  2. This is awesome! That quote you posted with your picture is one of my favorites. I think about it often, especially when I’m struggling through a short run and wondering how I ever managed to run 26.2, haha! Good luck at MCM!

  3. Congrats on finishing your first full! Such an accomplishment! That you’ll soon run a second one tells me, even more than words could say, that you really enjoyed the first. Wishing you all the best at the Marine Corps Marathon! My husband and I almost ran it last year but had to pull out to attend a wedding. Maybe someday. 🙂

    1. Thank you! I can’t wait to tackle #2. But that’s easy to say now, since training hasn’t started, yet. 🙂 I hope you get to run MCM someday! Darn those pesky weddings.

  4. I ran a horrible race last night, and I realized as I crossed the line that it doesn’t matter how good or bad a race went…it still feels amazing to cross a finish line. I can imagine that a marathon finish line is that euphoria X 1000000!

    1. I’m sorry you had a tough race last night. But you’re totally right – nothing beats that feeling of crossing the finish line. No matter how tough it was to get there.

  5. Great picture and quote from Thunder Road!
    That particular mix of exhaustion & euphoria is one insanely addictive combination 🙂 I don’t know how anybody stops at just one marathon!

    1. I don’t know why anyone does drugs. The high from a marathon has got to be better than anything an illegal substance can give you. 🙂

    1. I can’t think of many other places where exhaustion meets euphoria than at the finish line of an endurance event. Thanks for hosting!

  6. Awesome job on finishing that marathon! It really is something to be proud of. Good luck on your 2nd marathon this fall! I’ve only ran one marathon too =).

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