Runners tell all: Favorite running gear

Once again I am joining in on the monthly Runners Tell All link-up. This is a monthly link-up for runners that poses a different topic each month. If you missed last month’s ‘my running story’ link-up, click HERE. This month we’re talking about our favorite running gear.

Running is a simple sport. All you really need is a good pair of shoes and a place to run. A watch, some decent apparel, and a hydration mechanism doesn’t help either. With that in mind, here are my favorite pieces of running gear:

    1.   My (newly) beloved Hoka One One’s. After reading and hearing a lot about this brand of shoes last year, I took the plunge invested in a pair of Stinsons towards the end of January. The big price tag was a bit scary, but they’re supposed to last twice as long as “regular” running shoes (800 miles).

    The fact that they’re purple, which is my favorite color, helped me get over how much they resemble clown shoes. But so far my shins have been very happy, so I don’t care what they look like. I should note that the shoes are merely one tool in my arsenal, though. I am also stretching and icing diligently, in addition to backing off when necessary, to keep my shins healthy.

    2.   Garmin Forerunner 405. I seldom head out for a run without strapping on my trusty Garmin. I’m not one to get obsessed over numbers (for the most part), but I really like knowing exactly how far I ran, down. to. the. hundredth. of a mile.

    Plus it gives me a chance to strike the famous “runner pose” while waiting for my satellites to load.

    Unfortunately, this particular watch has been discontinued. So on the sad, sad day that my Garmin dies, I will have to find a new version to love.

    3.   Nathan handheld water bottle. I used to run with a waistpack that had a 20 oz water bottle on the back, but it would never stay in place and drove me nuts. Then I discovered the handheld water bottle. I take water with me on any run over an hour, and any run when it’s hotter than 75 degrees.

    Early on in 2013, I also started running any race over a 10K with my water bottle.

    Virginia 10 Miler

    I found that I like being able to take sips of water whenever I please, instead of relying on the aid stations. During my full marathon, I would take the cap off before I got to an aid station and then someone with a gallon-sized jug of water would refill my bottle for me as needed.

    4.   Go Sport ID. When you’re out on the run, there’s always a chance that an accident could happen. I have emergency contact information right on my wrist, on the backside of my Go Sport ID, in case I’m not able to communicate it myself.

    I currently have the purple band on, but I have a pack of bands in various colors that I can switch out as desired. The outside of the plate is engraved with one of my favorite motivational quotes from 2 Chronicles “Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

    5.   Last one, I promise. Can you tell I had a hard time choosing my favorites? My final favorite piece of running gear is my Oiselle shorts.

    They fit me the way I like, and they have three pockets! I also just discovered new colors have been released, so I may have to increase my Oiselle shorts collection.

    This link-up is hosted by Amanda @ The Lady Okie and Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch. You can click the icon below to see all of the details about these monthly link-up’s.

    What are some of your favorite running product? Or if you don’t run, what are some of your favorite workout gear items?

    20 thoughts on “Runners tell all: Favorite running gear”

    1. My Mizunos! Wave Riders and Sayanoras. Also my Garmin. And my moving comfort shorts and sports bras. These things make me happy ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. I’m with Amy and can’t run without my Moving Comfort sports bras. LOVE my Sturdy Girl Sports capris for chilly runs. Will have to check out the Oiselle shorts for warmer temps.

    3. Asics 2170s, Tracking by Map my Walk, Tunes on my Sony S2, Hydration is an old Gatorade bottle, and my favorite trail is still the Katy in St. Louis.LUD.

      1. I still run in my 2170’s on trails, and use them for cross training. I wish I had been able to explore the Katy trail more that time I tagged along with you to St. Louis! When I run RNR St. Louis, we will have to get there early or stay late to bike/run/walk more of that trail.

    4. Mizunos and my treadmill – I can’t help it, love running on it especially in the winter and early mornings when it’s dark!!

    5. The shoes are intriguing! They look so much different than regular running shoes. I’m glad they’re helping your shins! I am going to write a post for this link up…it’s okay to be a day or two late right?

      1. Sven is definitely a favorite (never thought I’d refer to a treadmill and use the word ‘favorite’ in the same sentence)! I just didn’t want my list to get exhaustive.

    6. I want a Road ID real bad. I asked for one for Christmas. I think they’re good to have. ACTUALLY… maybe that should be a future Runners Tell All giveaway. Hmm? I mean, I guess not for you since you already have one. Anyway, thanks for linking up and reminding to put a Road ID back on my “want” list ๐Ÿ™‚

    7. I love that ‘runner’s pose’ with the Garmin. I do that outside and I’m sure people think I’m crazy. I’ve never heard of Hoka shoes. By what you wrote, I’m guessing they are good for shins? Do you have shin splints?

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